Source code for amazon.ion.simple_types

# Copyright 2016, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License").
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"""The type mappings for the ``simplejson``-like API.

In particular, this module provides the extension to native Python data types with
particulars of the Ion data model.

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from decimal import Decimal
from collections import MutableMapping

import six

from amazon.ion.symbols import SymbolToken
from .core import Multimap, Timestamp, IonEvent, IonType, TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD, TimestampPrecision, \

class _IonNature(object):
    """Mix-in for Ion related properties.

        ion_event (Optional[IonEvent]): The event, if any associated with the value.
        ion_type (IonType): The Ion type for the value.
        ion_annotations (Sequence[unicode]): The annotations associated with the value.

        There is no ``field_name`` attribute as that is generally modeled as a property of the

        The ``ion_event`` field is only provided if the value was derived from a low-level event.
        User constructed values will generally not set this field.
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.ion_type = None
        self.ion_annotations = ()

    def _copy(self):
        """Copies this instance. Its IonEvent (if any) is not preserved.

        Keeping this protected until/unless we decide there's use for it publicly.
        args, kwargs = self._to_constructor_args(self)
        value = self.__class__(*args, **kwargs)
        value.ion_type = self.ion_type
        value.ion_annotations = self.ion_annotations
        return value

    def _to_constructor_args(value):
        return (value, ), {}

    def from_event(cls, ion_event):
        """Constructs the given native extension from the properties of an event.

            ion_event (IonEvent): The event to construct the native value from.
        if ion_event.value is not None:
            args, kwargs = cls._to_constructor_args(ion_event.value)
            # if value is None (i.e. this is a container event), args must be empty or initialization of the
            # underlying container will fail.
            args, kwargs = (), {}
        value = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        value.ion_type = ion_event.ion_type
        value.ion_annotations = ion_event.annotations
        return value

    def from_value(cls, ion_type, value, annotations=()):
        """Constructs a value as a copy with an associated Ion type and annotations.

            ion_type (IonType): The associated Ion type.
            value (Any): The value to construct from, generally of type ``cls``.
            annotations (Sequence[unicode]):  The sequence Unicode strings decorating this value.
        if value is None:
            value = IonPyNull()
            args, kwargs = cls._to_constructor_args(value)
            value = cls(*args, **kwargs)
        value.ion_type = ion_type
        value.ion_annotations = annotations
        return value

    def to_event(self, event_type, field_name=None, in_struct=False, depth=None):
        """Constructs an IonEvent from this _IonNature value.

            event_type (IonEventType): The type of the resulting event.
            field_name (Optional[text]): The field name associated with this value, if any.  When ``None``
                is specified and ``in_struct`` is ``True``, the returned event's ``field_name`` will
                represent symbol zero (a ``SymbolToken`` with text=None and sid=0).
            in_struct (Optional[True|False]): When ``True``, indicates the returned event ``field_name``
                will be populated.  When ``False``, ``field_name`` will be ``None``.
            depth (Optional[int]): The depth of this value.

            An IonEvent with the properties from this value.
        value = self
        if isinstance(self, IonPyNull) or self.ion_type.is_container:
            value = None

        if in_struct:
            if not isinstance(field_name, SymbolToken):
                field_name = SymbolToken(field_name, 0 if field_name is None else None)
            field_name = None

        return IonEvent(event_type, ion_type=self.ion_type, value=value, field_name=field_name,
                                  annotations=self.ion_annotations, depth=depth)

def _ion_type_for(name, base_cls):
    class IonPyValueType(base_cls, _IonNature):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(IonPyValueType, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    IonPyValueType.__name__ = name
    IonPyValueType.__qualname__ = name
    return IonPyValueType

if six.PY2:
    IonPyInt = _ion_type_for('IonPyInt', long)
    IonPyInt = _ion_type_for('IonPyInt', int)

IonPyBool = IonPyInt
IonPyFloat = _ion_type_for('IonPyFloat', float)
IonPyDecimal = _ion_type_for('IonPyDecimal', Decimal)
IonPyText = _ion_type_for('IonPyText', six.text_type)
IonPyBytes = _ion_type_for('IonPyBytes', six.binary_type)

[docs]class IonPySymbol(SymbolToken, _IonNature): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IonPySymbol, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _to_constructor_args(st): try: args = (st.text, st.sid, st.location) except AttributeError: args = (st, None, None) kwargs = {} return args, kwargs
[docs]class IonPyTimestamp(Timestamp, _IonNature): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IonPyTimestamp, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _to_constructor_args(ts): if isinstance(ts, Timestamp): args = (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second, None, ts.tzinfo) fractional_seconds = getattr(ts, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD, None) precision = getattr(ts, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD, TimestampPrecision.SECOND) kwargs = {TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD: precision, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD: fractional_seconds} else: args = (ts.year, ts.month,, ts.hour, ts.minute, ts.second, ts.microsecond, ts.tzinfo) kwargs = {TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD: TimestampPrecision.SECOND} return args, kwargs
[docs]class IonPyNull(_IonNature): """Representation of ``null``. Notes: ``None`` is a singleton and cannot be sub-classed, so we have our own value type for it. The function ``is_null`` is the best way to test for ``null``-ness or ``None``-ness. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(IonPyNull, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __nonzero__(self): return False def __bool__(self): return False @staticmethod def _to_constructor_args(value): return (), {}
[docs]def is_null(value): """A mechanism to determine if a value is ``None`` or an Ion ``null``.""" return value is None or isinstance(value, IonPyNull)
IonPyList = _ion_type_for('IonPyList', list) IonPyDict = _ion_type_for('IonPyDict', Multimap)