Source code for amazon.ion.symbols

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"""Provides support for Ion symbol tokens."""

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import six

from itertools import chain
from itertools import islice
from itertools import repeat

from .exceptions import CannotSubstituteTable
from .util import record

TEXT_ION = u'$ion'
TEXT_ION_1_0 = u'$ion_1_0'
TEXT_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE = u'$ion_symbol_table'
TEXT_NAME = u'name'
TEXT_VERSION = u'version'
TEXT_IMPORTS = u'imports'
TEXT_SYMBOLS = u'symbols'
TEXT_MAX_ID = u'max_id'
TEXT_ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE = u'$ion_shared_symbol_table'

SID_ION_1_0 = 2

[docs]class ImportLocation(record('name', 'position')): """Represents the import location of a symbol token. An import location can be thought of as a position independent address of an imported symbol. This metadata, if defined, can indicate identity of a symbol that came from a shared symbol token that the application does not have access to. Note: Version is nor part of an import location because a position in a shared table by name uniquely identifies that slot irrespective of version. Args: name (unicode): The name of the shared symbol table. position (int): The position in the shared symbol table. """
[docs]class SymbolToken(record('text', 'sid', 'location')): """Representation of a *symbolic token*. A symbolic token may be a *part* of an Ion value in several contexts: * The field name of a value in a ``struct`` * An annotation of a value. * A scalar of type ``symbol`` in the Ion data model. Args: text (Optional[unicode]): The text image of the token. sid (Optional[int]): The local symbol ID of the token. location (Optional[ImportTableLocation]): The import source of the token. Note: At least one of ``text`` or ``sid`` should be non-``None`` """ def __new__(cls, text, sid, location=None): if text is None and sid is None: raise ValueError('SymbolToken must specify at least one of text or sid') return super(SymbolToken, cls).__new__(cls, text, sid, location)
def _system_symbol_token(text, sid): """Defines an Ion 1.0 system symbol token.""" return SymbolToken(text, sid, ImportLocation(TEXT_ION, sid)) SYMBOL_ZERO_TOKEN = SymbolToken(None, 0) _SYSTEM_SYMBOL_TOKENS = ( _system_symbol_token(TEXT_ION, SID_ION), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_ION_1_0, SID_ION_1_0), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE, SID_ION_SYMBOL_TABLE), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_NAME, SID_NAME), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_VERSION, SID_VERSION), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_IMPORTS, SID_IMPORTS), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_SYMBOLS, SID_SYMBOLS), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_MAX_ID, SID_MAX_ID), _system_symbol_token(TEXT_ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE, SID_ION_SHARED_SYMBOL_TABLE), ) class _SymbolTableType(record('is_system', 'is_shared', 'is_local')): """A set of flags indicating attributes of a symbol table. Args: is_system (bool): Whether or not the symbol table is a system table. is_shared (bool): Whether or not the symbol table is a is_shared table. is_local (bool): Whether or not the symbol table is is_local. """ SYSTEM_TABLE_TYPE = _SymbolTableType(is_system=True, is_shared=True, is_local=False) SHARED_TABLE_TYPE = _SymbolTableType(is_system=False, is_shared=True, is_local=False) LOCAL_TABLE_TYPE = _SymbolTableType(is_system=False, is_shared=False, is_local=True)
[docs]class SymbolTable(object): """A collection of symbols that is ordered. Symbol tables are basically an Unicode string to integer interning table. A few things to consider about symbol tables: * System symbol tables never have imports and are shared symbol tables themselves. * Shared symbol tables never import the system symbol table. * Local symbol tables implicitly import the system symbol table. Shared symbol tables have tokens that always have a ``location`` attribute referring to themselves. Local symbol tables have tokens whose ``location`` attribute refers to **either** the shared symbol that it was imported from or ``None`` if the symbol was defined locally. Note: Shared symbol tables (which include system symbol tables) are immutable. Local symbol tables support interning as a mutable operation. The implementation doesn't enforce making properties read-only to enforce this invariant. Args: table_type (_SymbolTableType): The type of symbol table. symbols (Iterable[unicode]): The symbols text associated *locally* to this table. imports (Optional[Iterable[SymbolTable]]): The imports of the table. name (Optional[unicode]): The name of this table. Required for shared symbol tables. version (Optional[int]): The version of this table. Required for shared symbol tables. is_substitute (Optional[bool]): Whether or not this table is substituted. A substituted symbol table is one that is not resolvable and has placeholder entries. """ def __init__(self, table_type, symbols, name=None, version=None, imports=None, is_substitute=False): if table_type.is_system and imports is not None: raise ValueError('System tables cannot have imports') if table_type.is_shared and (name is None or version is None or version <= 0): raise ValueError('Shared symbol tables must have a name and >= 1 version') if table_type.is_local and (name is not None or version is not None): raise ValueError('Local symbol tables cannot have a name or version') if table_type.is_system and (name != TEXT_ION): raise ValueError('System symbol tables must be named "%s"' % TEXT_ION) if name is not None and not isinstance(name, six.text_type): raise TypeError('Shared symbol tables must have a unicode name: %r' % name) self.table_type = table_type = name self.version = version self.imports = imports self.is_substitute = is_substitute self.max_id = 0 self.__symbols = [] self.__mapping = {} if table_type.is_local or table_type.is_system: for token in _SYSTEM_SYMBOL_TOKENS: self.__add(token) self.max_id = len(_SYSTEM_SYMBOL_TOKENS) if imports is not None: for table in imports: for token in table: if table_type.is_shared: self.__add_shared(token) else: if not table.table_type.is_local \ or token.location is None \ or != TEXT_ION: # TODO Determine if this code should handle LST as import. # If the import is a local symbol table, we need to ignore system # imports. This supports LST append. self.__add_import(token) # System symbols are bootstrapped if not table_type.is_system: for symbol in symbols: self.__add_text(symbol) def __import_location(self, sid): """Returns a location for this table's SID. Only meaningful for shared tables. """ return ImportLocation(, sid) def __new_sid(self): """Allocates a new local SID.""" self.max_id += 1 sid = self.max_id return sid def __add(self, token): """Unconditionally adds a token to the table.""" self.__symbols.append(token) text = token.text if text is not None and text not in self.__mapping: self.__mapping[text] = token def __add_shared(self, original_token): """Adds a token, normalizing the SID and import reference to this table.""" sid = self.__new_sid() token = SymbolToken(original_token.text, sid, self.__import_location(sid)) self.__add(token) return token def __add_import(self, original_token): """Adds a token, normalizing only the SID""" sid = self.__new_sid() token = SymbolToken(original_token.text, sid, original_token.location) self.__add(token) return token def __add_text(self, text): """Adds the given Unicode text as a locally defined symbol.""" if text is not None and not isinstance(text, six.text_type): raise TypeError('Local symbol definition must be a Unicode sequence or None: %r' % text) sid = self.__new_sid() location = None if self.table_type.is_shared: location = self.__import_location(sid) token = SymbolToken(text, sid, location) self.__add(token) return token
[docs] def intern(self, text): """Interns the given Unicode sequence into the symbol table. Note: This operation is only valid on local symbol tables. Args: text (unicode): The target to intern. Returns: SymbolToken: The mapped symbol token which may already exist in the table. """ if self.table_type.is_shared: raise TypeError('Cannot intern on shared symbol table') if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): raise TypeError('Cannot intern non-Unicode sequence into symbol table: %r' % text) token = self.get(text) if token is None: token = self.__add_text(text) return token
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): """Returns a token by text or local ID, with a default. A given text image may be associated with more than one symbol ID. This will return the first definition. Note: User defined symbol IDs are always one-based. Symbol zero is a special symbol that always has no text. Args: key (unicode | int): The key to lookup. default(Optional[SymbolToken]): The default to return if the key is not found Returns: SymbolToken: The token associated with the key or the default if it doesn't exist. """ if isinstance(key, six.text_type): return self.__mapping.get(key, None) if not isinstance(key, int): raise TypeError('Key must be int or Unicode sequence.') # TODO determine if $0 should be returned for all symbol tables. if key == 0: return SYMBOL_ZERO_TOKEN # Translate one-based SID to zero-based intern table index = key - 1 if index < 0 or key > len(self): return default return self.__symbols[index]
def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns a token by text or local ID. Args: key (unicode | int): The text or ID to lookup. Returns: SymbolToken: The token associated with the key. Raises: KeyError: If the key is not in the table. See Also: :meth:`get()` """ token = self.get(key) if token is None: raise KeyError('No symbol for: %s' % key) return token def __len__(self): """Returns the number of symbols within the table.""" return len(self.__symbols) def __iter__(self): """Iterator over the table's tokens. Returns: Iterable[SymbolToken]: The tokens in this table in defined order. """ return iter(self.__symbols) def __eq__(self, other): """Compares two symbol tables together. Two symbol tables are considered equal if the underlying tokens are the same and the ``table_type``, ``name``, ``version``, and ``is_substitute`` attributes are defined and are equal. Note: This is implemented using ``getattr`` to allow duck-typed table implementations to compare. Any custom symbol table-like implementation should implement this method accordingly. Things that are not compared: * ``imports`` are never compared as they are denormalized into the tokens of the table. * ``max_id`` is never compared as its an invariant that it matches the iteration. """ if self is other: return True # Compare relevant attributes if self.table_type != getattr(other, 'table_type', None): return False if != getattr(other, 'name', None): return False if self.version != getattr(other, 'version', None): return False if self.is_substitute != getattr(other, 'is_substitute', None): return False # Compare tokens. other_iter = getattr(other, '__iter__') if not callable(other_iter): return False for token, other_token in six.moves.zip_longest(self, other): if token != other_token: return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
SYSTEM_SYMBOL_TABLE = SymbolTable( table_type=SYSTEM_TABLE_TYPE, symbols=_SYSTEM_SYMBOL_TOKENS, name=TEXT_ION, version=1 )
[docs]def local_symbol_table(imports=None, symbols=()): """Constructs a local symbol table. Args: imports (Optional[SymbolTable]): Shared symbol tables to import. symbols (Optional[Iterable[Unicode]]): Initial local symbols to add. Returns: SymbolTable: A mutable local symbol table with the seeded local symbols. """ return SymbolTable( table_type=LOCAL_TABLE_TYPE, symbols=symbols, imports=imports )
[docs]def shared_symbol_table(name, version, symbols, imports=None): """Constructs a shared symbol table. Args: name (unicode): The name of the shared symbol table. version (int): The version of the shared symbol table. symbols (Iterable[unicode]): The symbols to associate with the table. imports (Optional[Iterable[SymbolTable]): The shared symbol tables to inject into this one. Returns: SymbolTable: The constructed table. """ return SymbolTable( table_type=SHARED_TABLE_TYPE, symbols=symbols, name=name, version=version, imports=imports )
[docs]def placeholder_symbol_table(name, version, max_id): """Constructs a shared symbol table that consists symbols that all have no known text. This is generally used for cases where a shared symbol table is not available by the application. Args: name (unicode): The name of the shared symbol table. version (int): The version of the shared symbol table. max_id (int): The maximum ID allocated by this symbol table, must be ``>= 0`` Returns: SymbolTable: The synthesized table. """ if version <= 0: raise ValueError('Version must be grater than or equal to 1: %s' % version) if max_id < 0: raise ValueError('Max ID must be zero or positive: %s' % max_id) return SymbolTable( table_type=SHARED_TABLE_TYPE, symbols=repeat(None, max_id), name=name, version=version, is_substitute=True )
[docs]def substitute_symbol_table(table, version, max_id): """Substitutes a given shared symbol table for another version. * If the given table has **more** symbols than the requested substitute, then the generated symbol table will be a subset of the given table. * If the given table has **less** symbols than the requested substitute, then the generated symbol table will have symbols with unknown text generated for the difference. Args: table (SymbolTable): The shared table to derive from. version (int): The version to target. max_id (int): The maximum ID allocated by the substitute, must be ``>= 0``. Returns: SymbolTable: The synthesized table. """ if not table.table_type.is_shared: raise ValueError('Symbol table to substitute from must be a shared table') if version <= 0: raise ValueError('Version must be grater than or equal to 1: %s' % version) if max_id < 0: raise ValueError('Max ID must be zero or positive: %s' % max_id) # TODO Recycle the symbol tokens from the source table into the substitute. if max_id <= table.max_id: symbols = (token.text for token in islice(table, max_id)) else: symbols = chain( (token.text for token in table), repeat(None, max_id - table.max_id) ) return SymbolTable( table_type=SHARED_TABLE_TYPE, symbols=symbols,, version=version, is_substitute=True )
[docs]class SymbolTableCatalog(object): """A collection of symbol tables that can be used to resolve imports. Note: The catalog will return a placeholder symbol table when resolving a table that doesn't exist. For tables that don't exist with any version, this placeholder will be completely devoid of text mappings. For tables that exist with a non-exact version, a derived substitute will be generated. """ def __init__(self): self.__tables = {}
[docs] def register(self, table): """Adds a shared table to the catalog. Args: table (SymbolTable): A non-system, shared symbol table. """ if table.table_type.is_system: raise ValueError('Cannot add system table to catalog') if not table.table_type.is_shared: raise ValueError('Cannot add local table to catalog') if table.is_substitute: raise ValueError('Cannot add substitute table to catalog') versions = self.__tables.get( if versions is None: versions = {} self.__tables[] = versions versions[table.version] = table
[docs] def resolve(self, name, version, max_id): """Resolves the table for a given name and version. Args: name (unicode): The name of the table to resolve. version (int): The version of the table to resolve. max_id (Optional[int]): The maximum ID of the table requested. May be ``None`` in which case an exact match on ``name`` and ``version`` is required. Returns: SymbolTable: The *closest* matching symbol table. This is either an exact match, a placeholder, or a derived substitute depending on what tables are registered. """ if not isinstance(name, six.text_type): raise TypeError('Name must be a Unicode sequence: %r' % name) if not isinstance(version, int): raise TypeError('Version must be an int: %r' % version) if version <= 0: raise ValueError('Version must be positive: %s' % version) if max_id is not None and max_id < 0: raise ValueError('Max ID must be zero or positive: %s' % max_id) versions = self.__tables.get(name) if versions is None: if max_id is None: raise CannotSubstituteTable( 'Found no table for %s, but no max_id' % name ) return placeholder_symbol_table(name, version, max_id) table = versions.get(version) if table is None: # TODO Replace the keys map with a search tree based dictionary. keys = list(versions) keys.sort() table = versions[keys[-1]] if table.version == version and (max_id is None or table.max_id == max_id): return table if max_id is None: raise CannotSubstituteTable( 'Found match for %s, but not version %d, and no max_id' % (name, version) ) return substitute_symbol_table(table, version, max_id)