Source code for amazon.ion.core

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"""Ion core types."""

# Python 2/3 compatibility
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

from collections import MutableMapping, MutableSequence, OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_FLOOR, Context, Inexact
from math import isnan

import six

from .util import Enum
from .util import record

[docs]class IonType(Enum): """Enumeration of the Ion data types.""" NULL = 0 BOOL = 1 INT = 2 FLOAT = 3 DECIMAL = 4 TIMESTAMP = 5 SYMBOL = 6 STRING = 7 CLOB = 8 BLOB = 9 LIST = 10 SEXP = 11 STRUCT = 12 @property def is_numeric(self): return IonType.INT <= self <= IonType.TIMESTAMP @property def is_text(self): """Returns whether the type is a Unicode textual type.""" return self is IonType.SYMBOL or self is IonType.STRING @property def is_lob(self): """Returns whether the type is a LOB.""" return self is IonType.CLOB or self is IonType.BLOB @property def is_container(self): """Returns whether the type is a container.""" return self >= IonType.LIST
# TODO At some point we can add SCALAR_START/SCALAR_END for streaming large values.
[docs]class IonEventType(Enum): """Enumeration of Ion parser or serializer events. These types do not correspond directly to the Ion type system, but they are related. In particular, ``null.*`` will surface as a ``SCALAR`` even though they are containers. Attributes: INCOMPLETE: Indicates that parsing cannot be completed due to lack of input. STREAM_END: Indicates that the logical stream has terminated. VERSION_MARKER: Indicates that the **Ion Version Marker** has been encountered. SCALAR: Indicates an *atomic* value has been encountered. CONTAINER_START: Indicates that the start of a container has been reached. CONTAINER_END: Indicates that the end of a container has been reached. """ INCOMPLETE = -2 STREAM_END = -1 VERSION_MARKER = 0 SCALAR = 1 CONTAINER_START = 2 CONTAINER_END = 3 @property def begins_value(self): """Indicates if the event type is a start of a value.""" return self is IonEventType.SCALAR or self is IonEventType.CONTAINER_START @property def ends_container(self): """Indicates if the event type terminates a container or stream.""" return self is IonEventType.STREAM_END or self is IonEventType.CONTAINER_END @property def is_stream_signal(self): """Indicates that the event type corresponds to a stream signal.""" return self < 0
[docs]class IonEvent(record( 'event_type', ('ion_type', None), ('value', None), ('field_name', None), ('annotations', ()), ('depth', None) )): """An parse or serialization event. Args: event_type (IonEventType): The type of event. ion_type (Optional(amazon.ion.core.IonType)): The Ion data model type associated with the event. value (Optional[any]): The data value associated with the event. field_name (Optional[Union[amazon.ion.symbols.SymbolToken, unicode]]): The field name associated with the event. annotations (Sequence[Union[amazon.ion.symbols.SymbolToken, unicode]]): The annotations associated with the event. depth (Optional[int]): The tree depth of the event if applicable. """ def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, IonEvent): return False if isinstance(self.value, float): if not isinstance(other.value, float): return False # Need to deal with NaN appropriately. if self.value != other.value and not (isnan(self.value) and isnan(other.value)): return False else: if self.value != other.value: return False # Timestamp precision has additional requirements. if isinstance(self.value, Timestamp) or isinstance(other.value, Timestamp): # Special case for timestamps to capture equivalence over precision. self_precision = getattr(self.value, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD, None) other_precision = getattr(other.value, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD, None) if self_precision != other_precision \ and not ((self_precision is None and other_precision is TimestampPrecision.SECOND) or (self_precision is TimestampPrecision.SECOND and other_precision is None)): # The absence of precision indicates a naive datetime, which always has SECOND precision. return False if isinstance(self.value, Timestamp) and isinstance(other.value, Timestamp): self_fractional_seconds = getattr(self.value, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD, None) other_fractional_seconds = getattr(other.value, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD, None) if self_fractional_seconds != other_fractional_seconds: return False if isinstance(self.value, datetime): if self.value.utcoffset() != other.value.utcoffset(): return False return (self.event_type == other.event_type and self.ion_type == other.ion_type and self.field_name == other.field_name and self.annotations == other.annotations and self.depth == other.depth )
[docs] def derive_field_name(self, field_name): """Derives a new event from this one setting the ``field_name`` attribute. Args: field_name (Union[amazon.ion.symbols.SymbolToken, unicode]): The field name to set. Returns: IonEvent: The newly generated event. """ cls = type(self) # We use ordinals to avoid thunk materialization. return cls( self[0], self[1], self[2], field_name, self[4], self[5] )
[docs] def derive_annotations(self, annotations): """Derives a new event from this one setting the ``annotations`` attribute. Args: annotations: (Sequence[Union[amazon.ion.symbols.SymbolToken, unicode]]): The annotations associated with the derived event. Returns: IonEvent: The newly generated event. """ cls = type(self) # We use ordinals to avoid thunk materialization. return cls( self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3], annotations, self[5] )
[docs] def derive_value(self, value): """Derives a new event from this one setting the ``value`` attribute. Args: value: (any): The value associated with the derived event. Returns: IonEvent: The newly generated non-thunk event. """ return IonEvent( self.event_type, self.ion_type, value, self.field_name, self.annotations, self.depth )
[docs] def derive_depth(self, depth): """Derives a new event from this one setting the ``depth`` attribute. Args: depth: (int): The annotations associated with the derived event. Returns: IonEvent: The newly generated event. """ cls = type(self) # We use ordinals to avoid thunk materialization. return cls( self[0], self[1], self[2], self[3], self[4], depth )
[docs]class MemoizingThunk(object): """A :class:`callable` that invokes a ``delegate`` and caches and returns the result.""" def __init__(self, delegate): self.delegate = delegate def __call__(self): if hasattr(self, 'value'): return self.value self.value = self.delegate() return self.value def __str__(self): return str(self()) def __repr__(self): return repr(self())
[docs]class IonThunkEvent(IonEvent): """An :class:`IonEvent` whose ``value`` field is a thunk.""" def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if len(args) >= 3: args = list(args) args[2] = MemoizingThunk(args[2]) else: value = kwargs.get('value') if value is not None: kwargs['value'] = MemoizingThunk(kwargs['value']) return super(IonThunkEvent, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) @property def value(self): # We're masking the value field, this gets around that. return self[2]()
# Singletons for structural events ION_STREAM_END_EVENT = IonEvent(IonEventType.STREAM_END) ION_STREAM_INCOMPLETE_EVENT = IonEvent(IonEventType.INCOMPLETE) ION_VERSION_MARKER_EVENT = IonEvent( IonEventType.VERSION_MARKER, ion_type=None, value=(1, 0), depth=0 )
[docs]class DataEvent(record('type', 'data')): """Event generated as a result of the writer or as input into the reader. Args: type (Enum): The type of event. data (bytes): The serialized data returned. If no data is to be serialized, this should be the empty byte string. """
[docs]class Transition(record('event', 'delegate')): """A pair of event and co-routine delegate. This is generally used as a result of a state-machine. Args: event (Union[DataEvent]): The event associated with the transition. delegate (Coroutine): The co-routine delegate which can be the same routine from whence this transition came. """
_MIN_OFFSET = timedelta(hours=-24) _MAX_OFFSET = timedelta(hours=24) _ZERO_DELTA = timedelta()
[docs]class OffsetTZInfo(tzinfo): """A trivial UTC offset :class:`tzinfo`.""" def __init__(self, delta=_ZERO_DELTA): if delta <= _MIN_OFFSET or delta >= _MAX_OFFSET: raise ValueError('Invalid UTC offset: %s' % delta) = delta
[docs] def dst(self, date_time): return timedelta()
[docs] def tzname(self, date_time): return None
[docs] def utcoffset(self, date_time): return
def __repr__(self): sign = '+' delta = if delta < _ZERO_DELTA: sign = '-' delta = _ZERO_DELTA - delta return 'OffsetTZInfo(%s%s)' % (sign, delta)
[docs]class TimestampPrecision(Enum): """The different levels of precision supported in an Ion timestamp.""" YEAR = 0 MONTH = 1 DAY = 2 MINUTE = 3 SECOND = 4 @property def includes_month(self): """Precision has at least the ``month`` field.""" return self >= TimestampPrecision.MONTH @property def includes_day(self): """Precision has at least the ``day`` field.""" return self >= TimestampPrecision.DAY @property def includes_minute(self): """Precision has at least the ``minute`` field.""" return self >= TimestampPrecision.MINUTE @property def includes_second(self): """Precision has at least the ``second`` field.""" return self >= TimestampPrecision.SECOND
[docs]class Timestamp(datetime): """Sub-class of :class:`datetime` that supports a precision field; a ``fractional_precision`` field that specifies the precision of the``microseconds`` field in :class:`datetime`; and a ``fractional_seconds`` field that is a :class:`Decimal` specifying the fractional seconds precisely. Notes: * The ``precision`` field is passed as a keyword argument of the same name. * The ``fractional_precision`` field is passed as a keyword argument of the same name. This field only relates to to the ``microseconds`` field and can be thought of as the number of decimal digits that are significant. This is an integer that that is in the closed interval ``[0, 6]``. If ``0``, ``microseconds`` must be ``0`` indicating no precision below seconds. This argument is optional and only valid when ``microseconds`` is not ``None``. If the ``microseconds`` specified has more precision than this field indicates, then that is an error. * The ``fractional_seconds`` field is passed as a keyword argument of the same name. It must be a :class:`Decimal` in the left-closed, right-opened interval of ``[0, 1)``. If specified as an argument, ``microseconds`` must be ``None`` **and** ``fractional_precision`` must not be specified (but can be ``None``). In addition, if ``microseconds`` is specified this argument must not be specified (but can be ``None``). If the specified value has ``coefficient==0`` and ``exponent >= 0``, e.g. ``Decimal(0)``, then there is no precision beyond seconds. * After construction, ``microseconds``, ``fractional_precision``, and ``fractional_seconds`` will all be present and normalized in the resulting :class:`Timestamp` instance. If the precision of ``fractional_seconds`` is more than is capable of being expressed in ``microseconds``, then the ``microseconds`` field is truncated to six digits and ``fractional_precision`` is ``6``. Consider some examples: * `2019-10-01T12:45:01Z` would have the following fields set: * ``microseconds == 0``, ``fractional_precision == 0``, ``fractional_seconds == Decimal('0')`` * `2019-10-01T12:45:01.100Z` would have the following fields set: * ``microseconds == 100000``, ``fractional_precision == 3``, ``fractional_seconds == Decimal('0.100')`` * `2019-10-01T12:45:01.123456789Z` would have the following fields set: * ``microseconds == 123456``, ``fractional_precision == 6``, ``fractional_seconds == Decimal('0.123456789')`` Raises: ValueError: If any of the preconditions above are violated. """ __slots__ = [TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD, TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD] def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): def replace_microsecond(new_value): if has_microsecond_argument: lst = list(args) lst[DATETIME_CONSTRUCTOR_MICROSECOND_ARGUMENT_INDEX] = new_value return tuple(lst) else: kwargs[TIMESTAMP_MICROSECOND_FIELD] = new_value return args precision = None fractional_precision = None fractional_seconds = None datetime_microseconds = None has_microsecond_argument = len(args) > DATETIME_CONSTRUCTOR_MICROSECOND_ARGUMENT_INDEX if has_microsecond_argument: datetime_microseconds = args[DATETIME_CONSTRUCTOR_MICROSECOND_ARGUMENT_INDEX] elif TIMESTAMP_MICROSECOND_FIELD in kwargs: datetime_microseconds = kwargs.get(TIMESTAMP_MICROSECOND_FIELD) if TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD in kwargs: precision = kwargs.get(TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD) # Make sure we mask this before we construct the datetime. del kwargs[TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD] if TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD in kwargs: fractional_precision = kwargs.get(TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD) if fractional_precision is not None and not (0 <= fractional_precision <= MICROSECOND_PRECISION): raise ValueError('Cannot construct a Timestamp with fractional precision of %d digits, ' 'which is out of the supported range of [0, %d].' % (fractional_precision, MICROSECOND_PRECISION)) # Make sure we mask this before we construct the datetime. del kwargs[TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD] if TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD in kwargs: fractional_seconds = kwargs.get(TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD) if fractional_seconds is not None: if not (0 <= fractional_seconds < 1): raise ValueError('Cannot construct a Timestamp with fractional seconds of %s, ' 'which is out of the supported range of [0, 1).' % str(fractional_seconds)) # Make sure we mask this before we construct the datetime. del kwargs[TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD] if fractional_seconds is not None and (fractional_precision is not None or datetime_microseconds is not None): raise ValueError('fractional_seconds cannot be specified ' 'when fractional_precision or microseconds are not None.') if fractional_precision is not None and datetime_microseconds is None: raise ValueError('datetime_microseconds cannot be None while fractional_precision is not None.') if fractional_precision == 0 and datetime_microseconds != 0: raise ValueError('datetime_microseconds cannot be non-zero while fractional_precision is 0.') if fractional_seconds is not None: fractional_seconds_exponent = fractional_seconds.as_tuple().exponent if fractional_seconds == DECIMAL_ZERO and fractional_seconds_exponent > 0: # Zero with a positive exponent is just zero. Set the exponent to zero so fractional_precision is # calculated correctly. fractional_seconds_exponent = 0 fractional_seconds = DECIMAL_ZERO fractional_precision = min(-fractional_seconds_exponent, MICROSECOND_PRECISION) # Scale to microseconds and truncate to an integer. args = replace_microsecond(int(fractional_seconds * BASE_TEN_MICROSECOND_PRECISION_EXPONENTIATION)) elif datetime_microseconds is not None: if fractional_precision is None: fractional_precision = MICROSECOND_PRECISION if fractional_precision == 0: # As previously verified, datetime_microseconds must be zero in this case. fractional_seconds = DECIMAL_ZERO else: try: fractional_seconds = Decimal(datetime_microseconds).scaleb(-MICROSECOND_PRECISION)\ .quantize(PRECISION_LIMIT_LOOKUP[fractional_precision], context=Context(traps=[Inexact])) except Inexact: raise ValueError('microsecond value %d cannot be expressed exactly in %d digits.' % (datetime_microseconds, fractional_precision)) else: assert datetime_microseconds is None # The datetime constructor requires a non-None microsecond argument. args = replace_microsecond(0) fractional_precision = 0 fractional_seconds = DECIMAL_ZERO instance = super(Timestamp, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) setattr(instance, TIMESTAMP_PRECISION_FIELD, precision) setattr(instance, TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD, fractional_precision) setattr(instance, TIMESTAMP_FRACTIONAL_SECONDS_FIELD, fractional_seconds) return instance def __repr__(self): return 'Timestamp(%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d.%06d, %r, %r, %s=%s)' % \ (self.year, self.month,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second, self.microsecond, self.tzinfo, self.precision, TIMESTAMP_FRACTION_PRECISION_FIELD, self.fractional_precision)
[docs] @staticmethod def adjust_from_utc_fields(*args, **kwargs): """Constructs a timestamp from UTC fields adjusted to the local offset if given.""" raw_ts = Timestamp(*args, **kwargs) offset = raw_ts.utcoffset() if offset is None or offset == timedelta(): return raw_ts # XXX This returns a datetime, not a Timestamp (which has our precision if defined) adjusted = raw_ts + offset if raw_ts.precision is None: # No precision means we can just return a regular datetime return adjusted return Timestamp( adjusted.year, adjusted.month,, adjusted.hour, adjusted.minute, adjusted.second, None, raw_ts.tzinfo, precision=raw_ts.precision, fractional_precision=None, fractional_seconds=raw_ts.fractional_seconds )
[docs]def timestamp(year, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=None, off_hours=None, off_minutes=None, precision=None, fractional_precision=None, fractional_seconds=None): """Shorthand for the :class:`Timestamp` constructor. Specifically, converts ``off_hours`` and ``off_minutes`` parameters to a suitable :class:`OffsetTZInfo` instance. """ delta = None if off_hours is not None: if off_hours < -23 or off_hours > 23: raise ValueError('Hour offset %d is out of required range -23..23.' % (off_hours,)) delta = timedelta(hours=off_hours) if off_minutes is not None: if off_minutes < -59 or off_minutes > 59: raise ValueError('Minute offset %d is out of required range -59..59.' % (off_minutes,)) minutes_delta = timedelta(minutes=off_minutes) if delta is None: delta = minutes_delta else: delta += minutes_delta tz = None if delta is not None: tz = OffsetTZInfo(delta) return Timestamp( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, tz, precision=precision, fractional_precision=fractional_precision, fractional_seconds=fractional_seconds )
[docs]class Multimap(MutableMapping): """ Dictionary that can hold multiple values for the same key In order not to break existing customers, getting and inserting elements with ``[]`` keeps the same behaviour as the built-in dict. If multiple elements are already mapped to the key, ``[]` will return the newest one. To map multiple elements to a key, use the ``add_item`` operation. To retrieve all the values map to a key, use ``get_all_values``. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Multimap, self).__init__() self.__store = OrderedDict() if args is not None and len(args) > 0: for key, value in six.iteritems(args[0]): self.__store[key] = MultimapValue(value) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.__store[key][len(self.__store[key]) - 1] # Return only one in order not to break clients def __delitem__(self, key): del self.__store[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.__store[key] = MultimapValue(value) def __len__(self): return sum([len(values) for values in six.itervalues(self.__store)]) def __iter__(self): for key in six.iterkeys(self.__store): yield key
[docs] def add_item(self, key, value): if key in self.__store: self.__store[key].append(value) else: self.__setitem__(key, value)
[docs] def get_all_values(self, key): return self.__store[key]
[docs] def iteritems(self): for key in self.__store: for value in self.__store[key]: yield (key, value)
[docs] def items(self): output = [] for k, v in self.iteritems(): output.append((k, v)) return output
[docs]class MultimapValue(MutableSequence): def __init__(self, *args): if args is not None: self.__store = [x for x in args] else: self.__store = []
[docs] def insert(self, index, value): self.__setitem__(index, value)
def __len__(self): return len(self.__store) def __getitem__(self, index): return self.__store[index] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self.__store.insert(index, value) def __delitem__(self, index): del self.__store[index] def __iter__(self): for x in self.__store: yield x